One Urbanism (ONE) is an award-winning planning and design consultancy firm based in New York City. Established in 2014, the firm is known for its unique approach in which financial, technical, and organizational issues are addressed and resolved through design. The firm works in close collaboration with its Amsterdam counterpart, ONE Architecture, on projects around the world.
ONE is a global leader in large-scale climate adaptation and waterfront infrastructure planning. ONE has been instrumental in the development of complex, multi-actor planning processes in the US, Europe, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. In their studios, designers work with engineers, policymakers, and communities to shape joint narratives, develop strategies, and get projects implemented.

ONE’s body of architecture work is small but distinct. ONE’s approach to architecture is akin to its urbanism: simple and open-ended designs that provide a framework for incidents of true originality. ONE’s way of doing architecture has proven to be very effective in complex environments, such as areas of high density and historical significance, because of its conceptual flexibility and adaptability.
In urbanism, ONE has learned how design can help simplify and smoothen complex puzzles, and, through that, to create space for others to engage in the city. ONE has extensive experience in designing the interrelationship between the city and its infrastructure, as well as the interrelationship between organizations, finances and territory. ONE is at the forefront of sustainable, resilient urbanism and smart city technology.
ONE is a global leader in resilience infrastructure, through flagship projects in New York and other cities, as well as through its consultancy for, a.o., 100 Resilient Cities and the Asian Development Bank. ONE founder Matthijs Bouw is the Rockefeller Urban Resilience Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. ONE understands resilience as the primary lens to view and understand complex systems.
Good cities are cities in which all stakeholders feel agency in helping shape it. Good urbanism projects are driven by a diverse constituency of actors. By engaging stakeholders and actors, it is possible to better approach challenges, motives, and solutions. Throughout the years, ONE has been at the forefront of the development and deployment of design-driven tools to gain knowledge, find solutions, and build support.

Matthijs at the Landscape and Climate Adaptation webinar
May 19, 2021
Matthijs will be speaking today at 10:30 AM ET at the “Landscape and Climate Adaptation” webinar about our recent project Resilience by Design Metropoolregio Amsterdam.
More information about the webinar and the recording from the webinar will be available here.
Matthijs talks about his vision on climate change and design process in Rijnboutt No.12
May 6, 2021
“They are separate projects that are more manageable, have a human scale, and pose less risk so you can make integral plans.”
In Rijnboutt magazine No.12, our founding principal Matthijs Bouw discusses the design process as a beaded necklace.
Read the full article (in Dutch) here.
Building with Nature book featured in Landscape Architecture Korea May issue
May 4, 2021
We thank Landscape Architecture Korea (환경과 조경) for introducing our Building with Nature book in their May issue No.397!
Read more about the Building with Nature research and the book here.
(Cover & Inner page: ©Landscape Architecture Korea)
Matthijs Bouw at the Adaptation Community Webinar
April 28, 2021
Join our founding principal Matthijs Bouw this Friday at 9:00 AM CET for a webinar on how Ecosystem-based Adaptation can improve climate resilience for water-related infrastructure, organized by Adaptation Community.
Matthijs will talk about opportunities and enablers for scaling Nature-based Solutions for adaptation in the infrastructure sector. Join the webinar through this link.
Climate Ready East Boston & Charlestown Phase II Open House
April 27, 2021
Join us this Thursday at 6 PM ET for the first Climate Ready East Boston & Charlestown Phase II Open House! With the team: Arcadis, Sasaki, NOAH (Neighborhood of Affordable Housing), Woods Hole Group, ONE has been continuing the study to develop coastal resilience solutions for the neighborhood.
More information about the event & Registration can be found here.
+ Check out this video that outlines the project overview.
Resilient MA Action Team (RMAT)’s Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool is now live!
April 23, 2021
We were happy to work for the Resilient MA Action Team (RMAT), an inter-agency state project that aims to drive and support the implementation of resilience standards and guidelines across the Commonwealth agencies and the capital planning process.
Check out RMAT’s Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool (beta) here.
Houston Associate Dalia Munenzon at the AIA Houston event, “Designing for Impact”
April 23, 2021
Our Houston Associate Dalia Munenzon will join tomorrow, April 24, at 10:00 AM CDT, for the Magnolia Park and the Manchester design team at the “Designing for Impact,” presented by AIA Houston and National Organization of Minority Architects in partnership with City of Houston’s Complete Communities initiative, in presenting their proposal to the communities.
More information about the event & Registration:
Every Day is Earth Day!
April 22, 2021
Today marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, and every day is Earth Day!
Earth Day Live will begin at 12:00 PM ET at EARTHDAY.ORG.
On this Earth Day 2021, we are celebrating the publication of our guidebook to Building with Nature and looking back on a series of essays and print features released over the past year that explore different mechanisms for creating more earth-friendly urbanism.
Read our newsletter here:
East Side Coastal Resiliency project construction begins
April 15, 2021
Today, the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) project—The first compartment of the BIG U design to move into implementation and the first major urban resilience project of its kind in the United States—broke ground!
Once constructed, ESCR will protect the communities of over 110,000 residents and a 2.4-mile section of coastline along the East River. In the re-envisioned East River Park, flood protection elements and landscape improvements are designed to heighten the quality of life, improve park access and amenities public spaces while preserving existing recreation capacity.
We thank NYC DDC, NYC EDC, NYC DPR, NYC DoT, NYC DCP, and the team AKRF, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, MNLA, Arcadis, Jacobs, and SiteWorks Landscape Architecture, as well as Rebuild by Design, Henk Ovink, James Lima Planning + Development, Green Shield Ecology Inc, AEA Consulting, Level Infrastructure, and Buro Happold.
Resilient Northeastern New Jersey effort publicly launches the project website
April 13, 2021
ONE has been working with team members Arcadis, SCAPE, Sam Schwartz Engineering, InGroup, Inc., Irys, and HGA to support the Resilient Northeastern New Jersey project and build a climate adaptation strategy for long-term social, environmental, and economic resilience. We are excited to collaborate with state and local governments, community organizations, and stakeholders.
Resilient NENJ effort launched the project website and social media to share the project progress and gain community inputs. Do you live or work in the region? Have you experienced flooding? Please share your thoughts and experience with us and sign up to receive project updates here:
Travis Bunt on Global Resilience Partnership’s Incubator Process
April 8, 2021
We thank Global Resilience Partnership and its Water Window Challenge program for guiding us to turn concepts into our first Building with Nature pilot project in Tacloban, Philippines.
In the recent GRP Partner blog post about GRP’s Incubator Process, ONE Principal Travis Bunt explains how the incubator helped to leverage its knowledge and the network to develop strategies for scaling, not only for the original GRP work but also for ONE’s continued efforts in Southeast Asia.
Watch this mini-interview where Travis discusses the project more in detail.
(Image: Global Resilience Partnership)
Matthijs Bouw at the AIANY | Center for Architecture event: “Fight or Flight? Rethinking the Urban Footprint”
March 31, 2021
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will be speaking tomorrow 4/1 at 6 PM ET for the final session of “Fight or Flight? Rethinking the Urban Footprint” at AIA New York | Center for Architecture.
The series has been addressing how the urgency of climate change requires design professionals to rethink the built environment. The final session will recap previous programs and will serve a call to action.
More information about the event & registration link available here.
(Image: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, via AIANY)
Matthijs Bouw at “The Case for Nature-Based Solutions” at Kleinman Center for Energy Policy
March 22, 2021
Join ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw this Thursday, March 25 at 12:00 PM EDT for “The Case for Nature-Based Solutions” — a panel discussion organized by Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
Matthijs will be moderating the discussion among three experts— Nathalie Seddon, Monica A. Altamirano, PhD, Carolyn Kousky—exploring the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions to mitigate climate change and help achieve climate neutrality goals.
Matthijs Bouw speaks at the Future of the NYC Waterfront event
February 19, 2021
Join Matthijs Bouw and six panelists on Monday, 2/22, at the final event of the Future of the NYC Waterfront series organized by AIA New York, Center for Architecture: “New York City’s Waterfront: Reflecting + Projecting.”
The panel discussion will reflect takeaways and lessons learned from the past events & the NYC Department of City Planning will provide an update on NYC’s Next Comprehensive Waterfront Plan.
The event registration is available here.
Weitzman School News features the Building with Nature book
February 15, 2021
University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design recently featured in their News blog and the newsletter our Building with Nature Book.
Discover at the Weitzman News blog an excerpt from Matthijs Bouw’s essay “Learning from Place” and take a sneak peek at the Building with Nature landscapes, systems, and concepts illustrated by One Architecture.
ONE at Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
January 22, 2021
Join us next week at the online international Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021 on January 25 and 26! During this two-day conference:
- Building with Nature Asia initiative
- Our recent publication: Building with Nature: Creating, implementing, and upscaling Nature-based Solutions
- Blue Lifelines for Secure Sahel (BLiSS)
- Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia
will be featured in many anchoring and side events.
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will be also speaking about ONE’s work in New Clark City at “How can Nature-based Solution can be a Priority in a Post-pandemic Recovery in Developing Countries?”
Register today and learn more about the Summit here.
ONE opens a new satellite office in Houston
January 21, 2021
We are delighted to announce ONE’s new office opening in Houston, Texas! Dalia Munenzon, our Associate, will be managing ONE Houston office.
Reaching South, we hope to be swiftly attuned to the regional projects and working more closely with the community. Stay tuned!
A+U Magazine on Bicycle Urbanism features ONE’s projects for NYC to show how we must rethink our streets for resilience
January 7, 2021
A+U Magazine’s January feature on “Bicycle Urbanism — Re-mobility and Transforming cities” includes ONE’s article to address how we must rethink our streets for resilience.
Our essay, “The Grid and The Greenway” explores the inseparable linkages between climate change and our transportation corridors. This research extends lessons learned from our work in New York City (The cross-town greenway: rethinking 106th street and the 4th regional plan: Triboro Corridor), exploring methods of data analysis, new street typologies, and bicycle superhighways.
Special thanks to A+U publishing for the opportunity and our clients and collaborators that inspired this work: NYC Parks, RPA, Only-if, Starr Whitehouse, Langan Engineering.
Read more about the A+U feature here.
Matthijs Bouw speaks at 2020Visions The New City conference
December 3, 2020
ONE’s Matthijs Bouw will be speaking on Friday, December 4th at 8:00 PM ET in the “Future Cities: Inspirational Sustainability” discussion with architect Vanessa Keith, covering visionary projects to leapfrog over current social challenges and move us into the future.
The event is part of the 2020Visions’ The New City Conference: a virtual conference taking place on December 3-5, which offers a chance to deeply re-imagine what our urban spaces might be — for now, and for the future.
The conference is hosted by 2020Visions and Union Theological Seminary. Registration is available here.
Matthijs Bouw moderates a panel discussion “Fighting the Flood”
December 1, 2020
On December 1st at 6:00 PM ET, ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will be moderating a panel discussion, “Fighting the Flood” organized by New Amsterdam History Center, where three panelists: Pippa Brashear from SCAPE studio, Daniel Vasini from West 8, and Edgar Westerhof from Arcadis will discuss New York’s innovative approaches to its climate change challenges.
The recording of the event will be available from December 3rd on the NAHC website.
(Image: New Amsterdam History Center, with permission)
Final Proposals release for Resilience by Design: Metropoolregio Amsterdam
November 12, 2020
Throughout 2020, our New York and Amsterdam office have been closely collaborating on Resilience by Design: Metropoolregio Amsterdam, leading ONE Resilient Team [with Smartland, Arcadis, OverMorgen, Drift, Climate Adaptation Partners, and various centers at the University of Pennsylvania.] Since March, the team has advanced with its analysis of climate impacts, stressors, and thresholds to identify areas of opportunity for planning and design to embed climate adaptation in the urban space of the Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA.) For the selected sites as a result of the study—Beverwijk, Haarlem, Haven-Stad, and Almere—the team developed strategies and demonstration projects to solidify climate adaptation as a ‘normal’ part of integrated investment decisions now and in the future within the region.
The final RBD proposals were presented to the stakeholders on Nov. 5 and on Nov.12 at Deltaconference, and already serve as climate-adaptive inputs for the implementation program and investment agenda of the MRA’s ‘Urbanization Strategy’ for 2050 and beyond.
The final report presented by ONE Resilient Team is available here.
ONE selected to participate in the first phase of Luxembourg in Transition
November 7, 2020
ONE’s multidisciplinary team led by AWP was selected to participate in the just announced “Luxembourg in Transition,” urban-architectural and landscape consultation to develop strategic spatial planning proposals and produce “toward 2050” ecological transition scenarios for Luxembourg.
The selected teams will develop visionary and effective tools, methods and devices through interdisciplinary collaboration with the Luxembourg functional region to address climate change, citizens’ quality of life, and biodiversity.
Climate Ready Downtown Boston and North End final report release
October 27, 2020
ONE has been working with Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Kleinfelder, Arcadis, Woods Hole Group to finalize the report for Coastal Resilience Solutions for Downtown Boston and North End. The Downtown and North End district plan is one of the five neighborhood projects identified in the 2016 Climate Ready Boston.
The report will be released on Tuesday, October 29th at Noon, along with another climate resilient report for Dorchester. Please join us for the presentation & discussion on the two reports and celebrate together.
The event is hosted by Greenovate Boston. More information and registration available here.
Water As Leverage Program wins the Dutch Design Awards 2020
October 26, 2020
Water As Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia program is the winner of the Dutch Design Awards 2020 in the ‘Best Commissioning’ category. The announcement was made on October 24, during the DDA Award Show Live, following the interview with Henk Ovink, the Netherlands Special Envoy for International Water Affairs.
For the Dutch government-led Water As Leverage challenge, ONE assembled an interdisciplinary, international team of designers, engineers, economists, ecologists, anthropologists, art activists, and academics and developed an integrated vision to address water-related risks and opportunities in the City of Semarang, Indonesia.
Read more about the Semarang project here.
Dutch consuls visit Moakley Park
October 9, 2020
The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the US, Netherlands Consul General & team in NYC, Netherlands in Boston(Innovation Attaché Network in Boston) visited Moakley Park and discussed the Moakley Park Vision Plan, a long-term resilience plan to increase the neighborhood’s resilience against coastal flooding and meet the needs for outdoor recreational activities and community gathering.
Together with Stoss Landscape Urbanism, Weston & Sampson, HR&A Advisors, Nitsch Engineering, ONE is working on the implementation phase of the Vision Plan as part of the Climate Ready Boston Initiative.
EcoShape: Book of Concepts launches at the Climate Adaptation Summit
October 22, 2020
The book launch event for Building with Nature: Creating, Implementing and Upscaling Nature-based Solutions (nai 010 publishers), a new publication co-edited by EcoShape and ONE, took place on October 22 at the Climate Adaptation Summit in Amsterdam. The book focuses on six landscape modules: sandy coasts, muddy coasts, lowland lakes, rivers and estuaries, cities, and ports, investing the physical and biological composition and connects each of the six landscapes to underlying ecological, social, political and economic systems.
Take a sneak peek at the Building with Nature Landscape, Pilot Projects, Stories, Concepts, and Enablers at EcoShape’s website here.
Matthijs Bouw joins a panel for ‘Planning for All—Integrating Spatial Planning and Design with Society’
October 1, 2020
On October 2nd, ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will be joining a panel for ‘Planning for All—Integrating Spatial Planning and Design with Society,’ a debate/discussion as part of ‘The New Planning Dialogue’ series organized by Vereniging Deltametropool in close collaboration with Rijksuniversitet Groningen.
Panels will discuss the changing roles of spatial planning and design and the challenges in capacities faced by planners and designers. Find more information about the event here.
Design with Risk: Matthijs Bouw at the Arkitekturdagarna 2020 in Malmö
September 1, 2020
Arkitekturdagarna 2020 will be taking place in Malmö, Sweden, on September 1-2. Throughout the dates, there will be lectures, seminars, and panel discussions around the future of architecture.
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will talk about “Design with Risk,” how the profession is changing in relation to risks that are coming with climate adaptation. The talk will be in English, and all the events will be live-streamed here.
Matthijs Bouw speaks at the “Water As Leverage for Sustainable Development” online forum during Shenzhen Design Week
August 25, 2020
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw will speak at the “Water As Leverage for Sustainable Development” during Shenzhen Design Week 2020. In this 4-day online forum, panels will discuss Dutch water governance and practice, and how design can address the water & climate challenges of Shenzhen.
Matthijs will discuss the historical water legacy of the Netherlands, its contemporary international engagement, and recent experiences in the Shenzhen design sector, and how this knowledge to be positioned within the Shenzhen context.
More information about the forum is available here.
Vision Plan for a Resilient Harlem honored with 2020 ASLA NY Merit Award
July 14, 2020
On July 14th, the New York chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA NY) held their annual awards ceremony (remotely, of course). ONE, Starr Whitehouse, and NYC Parks were jointly honored for their work in East Harlem with a 2020 ASLA NY Merit Award.
The 2018-19 study had been commissioned by NYC Parks and the Mayor’s Office of Resiliency. ONE and Starr Whitehouse co-led a multidisciplinary team to develop a vision framework and recommendations for coastal protection, stormwater management, urban heat island strategies, and social resilience for the East Harlem neighborhood, Upper Manhattan. The result, ‘A Vision Plan for a Resilient East Harlem,’ is a comprehensive plan for adaptation to climate change impacts through an integrated approach weaving various issues around, within a larger framework for open space and increased social resilience.
Landscape Architecture Korea features “Water as Leverage: Semarang”
June 30, 2020
Water As Leverage: Semarang has recently been featured in the 2020 June issue of Landscape Architecture Korea magazine.
ONE Resilient Semarang team developed a city-wide, integrated vision spanning from the region’s coast to its hilly urban periphery. The proposal puts forth potential interventions with multiple benefits centered around eco-industrial clusters, water security, resilience communities, and a protective coastal greenbelt.
Since the delivery of the final program proposals in mid-2019, ONE and Kota Kita have continued working with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Indonesian government entities on capacity building, integration and adoption of concepts, and (ultimately) a series of targeted infrastructure investments.
Imagine the Wall, Charleston: Response to the USACE’s study has been released
June 25, 2020
Imagine the Wall, Charleston is a collaborative proposal by ONE, Biohabitats, DesignWorks, Applied Technology & Management (ATM), Curtis Cravens Consulting, and John Nettles Art.
Responding to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ “Charleston Peninsula Coastal Flood Risk Management Study,” it proposes a vision for a series of interconnected, Nature-based Solutions to protect the Charleston peninsula from storm surge, adapt to rising sea levels and reduce flooding from stormwater.
Read more about the project here.
Founding Principal Matthijs Bouw speaks about Climate Adaptation Projects and Lesson Learned
June 22, 2020
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw, Associate Professor of Practice and McHarg Center Fellow for Risk and Resilience for the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design, gave a lecture on ONE’s Climate Adaptation Projects and Lesson Learned as part of From the Rooftops lecture series. From the Rooftops is a virtual lecture series hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Weitzman School of Design.
The lecture is available on view here.
New Publication on Building with Nature launches during the Climate Summit Week this October
June 11, 2020
Drawing upon lessons learned from a decade of Building with Nature (BwN) across Europe and SouthEast Asia, EcoShape and ONE co-developed a research compendium and call to action, ‘Building with Nature — Creating, Implementing, and upscaling Nature-based Solutions (nai010 publishers).’ As the editors, illustrators, and voices of BwN in this publication, ONE has been developing a catalog of concepts, linking them to their applicability in different landscapes and systems, and visualizing their benefits. The book aims to capture and process knowledge of the different BwN programs to communicate with a diverse audience, including decision-makers, professionals, scientists, and other interested groups.
Now available for pre-order here and will launch during the Climate Summit Week, October 19-23, 2020.
ONE’s Matthijs Bouw on Hackable City for “The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities”
April 15, 2020
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw co-contributed with Martijn de Waal and Michiel de Lange for a chapter on Smart City Vision — Section 2: Cities and Placemaking in the new publication “The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities (UK: Routledge, 2020).” The chapter introduces Hackable City as a collaborative city-making model for a network society. Edited by Alessandro Aurigi and Katharine S. Willis, the book provides a critical and cross-disciplinary overview of the emerging topic of smart cities and explores it from a range of theoretical and empirical viewpoints.
Find more information about the book here.
ONE Resilient Team selected for Resilience By Design: Amsterdam Metropolitan Region
March 16, 2020
ONE Resilient Team was selected by Metropoolregio Amsterdam to develop plans for multiple strategic projects for Resilience By Design: Amsterdam Metropolitan Region (RBD MRA) program. With a specific focus on the ‘built environment,’ the team will collaborate with governmental organizations, knowledge institutes, and companies in the region to provide creative and integrated solutions to the climate-adaptive area development. The results will come out in Summer 2020 and will serve as climate-adaptive input for the implementation program and investment agenda of the MRA’s ‘Urbanization Strategy’ until 2050.
The RBD MRA program’s Intro video is on view here.
Interactive Community Open House for FiDi-Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan
February 24, 2020
Since last October, ONE has joined a team of consultants and designers to develop the FiDi-Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan. For this two-year master planning process, the multidisciplinary team is integrating engineering, urban design, regulatory, and financial considerations into a process that will engage Lower Manhattan stakeholders toward the development, refinement, evaluation, and ultimately selection of a flood protection concept. On February 24, the Team and the City held an Interactive Community Open House to share ideas and discuss climate risks with the community, the City’s current plans, and how to work together for climate-resilient solutions for the FiDi-Seaport area.
ONE travels to Indonesia for local engagement workshops as part of the World Bank’s Urban Flood Resilience Indonesia program
January 27, 2020
Supporting the World Bank’s effort to address critical disaster resilience needs in Indonesia, ONE has partnered with Deltares, Kota Kita, and PT Wiratma to develop innovative measures incorporating structural, policy, and nature-based solutions to improve flood resilience in three pilot cities: Pontianak, Manado, and Bima. January marked the second set of four rounds of local stakeholder engagement in each city, this time focusing on particular challenges and opportunities, and brainstorming areas where risk reduction efforts might align with each city’s own urban development vision. The 10-month study began with an intensive research phase in late 2019 and will conclude in September 2020. In addition to providing advisory services and technical inputs on urban flood resilience strategies for each of the three cities, the project will offer a framework for applying parallel approaches at the regional and national scales.
“Four Corridors: Design Initiative for RPA’s Fourth Regional Plan” book released
November 26, 2019
Four corridors, or 4C, is a component of Regional Plan Association’s Fourth Regional Plan and a special initiative launched by RPA to explore the future of four specific corridors in the New York metropolitan region. In 2017, One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) and Only If Architecture developed a design proposal “Triboro Corridor,” which suggest to dual-purpose an existing freight and intercity train lines connecting Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx with a new passenger train service. Acknowledging the dynamics of city making, their proposal also provided a “kit of parts” to maximize social benefit, civic empowerment and optimize health impacts being aware of the risk of gentrification and other implications of development along transit lines.
More information about the RPA’s Four Corridors Initiative can be found here.
ONE’s Matthijs Bouw leads Water Management session at the Blue City Red Hook Workshop
November 21, 2019
“Blue City Red Hook Workshop – Developing New York’s Floating Community” brought innovators and entrepreneurs who are passionate about driving social, environmental, and economic justice for local populations and discussed the climate-resilient development of New York’s first floating community in the Red Hook neighborhood. ONE’s Matthijs Bouw led one of the breakout sessions at the workshop and addressed the importance of sustainable and clean technologies and the equitable implementation process in Water Management. The workshop was organized by RETI Center, Gowanus Bay Terminal (GBX), Oasis, Space&Matter, ONE, Pratt Institute, Thread Collective, and NY Blue Tech.
Learn more about the workshop here.
ONE contributes to the Urban Land Institute’s Living with Heat report
November 12, 2019
The Urban Land Institute’s newly released report ‘Living with Heat’ introduces long-term urban strategies to mitigate urban heat conditions in some of the hottest areas in Boston, including Somerville, Lower Roxbury, Chelsea, and East Boston. ONE joined the Chelsea/Everette team to develop urban design solutions to the climate impact in the industrial areas of the two cities. The report is expected to help policymakers and the real estate community acknowledge the consequences of extreme heat and seek forward-thinking solutions.
Read the full report here.
ONE’s Matthijs Bouw and Dalia Munenzon speaks at the ABX 19
November 5, 2019
ONE’s founding principal Matthijs Bouw and Associate Dalia Munenzon spoke at the Architecture Boston Expo 2019 (ABX19). They shared their vision and experience on Housing + Homes, Adaptation + Preservation, and Landscape + Planning + Urbanism, further discussing what tools and implementation strategies are applicable in the Boston context.
During the two days of the Expo, they contributed to four sessions: “Future Ports: A Resilience Primer for Industrial Waterfronts,” “Transforming Boston Harbor: Resilience, Equity & Open Space,” “Reconciling Preservation and Adaptation in Downtown Boston, “New Urban Grounds: Smart Grassroots Development in Boston.”
More information about the ABX can be found here, and the ABX19 brochure is available here.
ONE joins a team of consultants to develop the FiDi and Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan in NYC
October 1, 2019
The NYC Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) has approved a team of 18 consultants to develop the Financial District and Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan. The project is a two-year master planning process to protect the lower Manhattan waterfront from storm surge and rising sea level. The Seaport and FiDi are especially challenging sites due to the area’s low-lying topography and the interconnected transportation and sewage infrastructure underground. The City aims to reflect as much as input from residents through community engagement meetings and reviews. ONE is excited to be part of the team to defend the area against climate change and collaborating with the City and the community.
Read more about the project via Curbed NY article here.
Image: Max Touhey
ONE working with World Bank to conduct climate resiliency studies for cities in Indonesia
September 17, 2019
In their recent article on “Urban flood resilience in Indonesia: New approaches through an urban design lens,” the World Bank introduced the city of Semarang as one of the Indonesian cities implementing natural-based and green solutions for climate-resilient future. Along with Kota Kita and Deltares, ONE is continuing to work with World Bank for more cities in Indonesia, such as Pontianak, Bima, Manado, to develop high-level resiliency study.
Read the full article by World Bank here and Final Report for the Water As Leverage Program in Semarang here.
ONE selected to lead the development of flood mitigation and resiliency plan for Horry County
August 13, 2019
Following Hurricane Florence in October 2018, the Horry County in South California formed the Horry County Flood Resilience Plan to identify ways to improve the community’s response to flooding. ONE and Sherwood Design Engineers were selected to lead the development of a flood mitigation and resiliency plan specific to different local conditions across the county. Supported by Case consultants and PSDS, the team is undertaking a thorough risk analysis to propose a strategic plan and framework for the implementation of smart, localized adaptation solutions.
Find more info about the Horry County Flood Resiliency Plan here.
ONE developed nature-based resiliency strategies for New Clark City
July 22, 2018
ONE is helping the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to optimize the masterplan for New Clark City, an ambitious new city in the north of Manila. In addition to a new, nature-based design for the river basin as a central feature of the city, the work includes a Resilience Framework and implementation guidelines and advice on the sub-developments and utility packages produced in collaboration with Level Infrastructure and Arcadis.
Read more about the New Clark City via CNN article here.
ONE commissioned for Climate Ready Downtown Boston
april 5, 2019
One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) is collaborating once more with Stoss Landscape Urbanism and Kleinfelder on a district-level plan for coastal climate resilience in Downtown Boston as part of the city’s flagship Climate Ready Boston program. We have previously collaborated on two other district-level studies in East Boston and Charlestown and a vision plan incorporating resilient design strategies for Joe Moakley Park in South Boston. Presently we are also working on coastal resilience strategies in the Island End River basin for the municipalities of Chelsea and Everett, MA, and a vision plan for Peddocks Island – an historic island in Boston Harbor.
ONE and Dutch delegation participate in a week of smart city and climate-focused events in NYC
april 10, 2019
In early April, a delegation of Dutch elected officials including Amsterdam Deputy Mayor Udo Kock visited New York to participate in a series of conferences, events, and site visits centered around sustainable urban development practices, green building techniques, and resilience.
As part of programming, ONE’s Matthijs Bouw presented on lessons shared between Amsterdam in New York on the circular economy and climate adaptation, followed by a group bike tour of the Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn waterfronts. Following this, the group visited RETI Center in Red Hook to learn about the Blue City lab, a proposal for a floating climate lab in the Gowanus Bay Terminal, for which ONE is an advisory design partner.
NYCEDC releases the Lower Manhattan Climate Resilience Study (for LMCR)
March 14, 2019
In a New York Magazine op-ed, Mayor Bill de Blasio formally announced the advancement of the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency (LMCR) Project – the second compartment of The BIG U to move forward in NYC.
Coinciding with this announcement, NYCEDC publicly released the Lower Manhattan Climate Resilience Study, for which ONE was a lead consultant alongside AECOM, HR&A, BIG, and James Lima Planning + Development. This study is a comprehensive look at current and future climate risks and impacts, and identifies nearly $500 million worth of projects and an overall strategy for climate adaptation for a more resilient Lower Manhattan.
The study can be read here.
Islais Hyper-Creek honored with ASLA-NY Merit Award
march 14, 2019
Islais Hyper-Creek, the BIG + ONE + Sherwood design for the Resilient By Design: Bay Area Challenge, has been recognized with a Merit Award in the ASLA-NY 2019 Design Awards, recognizing excellence in the practice of landscape architecture.
For the historic Islais Creek in southern San Francisco, our team proposed a restored and daylighted creek merging ecology and industry along a series of waterfront public spaces with densified and consolidated industrial and PDR space on its edges. A series of parks and public amenities populates the edges of the creek through six proposed pilot projects.
You can read the ASLA-NY press release for the 2019 Design Awards here, and learn more about the outcomes of the Resilient By Design: Bay Area Challenge here.
ONE joins the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) as partner
Following the first phase of ONE’s Water Window Grant for the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), we have formally joined GRP as a full partner. Since 2017, ONE has been supported by a seed grant from GRP and the Z Zurich Foundation to implement a series of pilot coastal restoration projects in Tacloban City, the Philippines – one of the areas most heavily impacted by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. To date, ONE and local partners including the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA), Tacloban City ENRO, and Wetlands International (and others), have completed plantings of nearly 10,000 mangrove seedlings at a 1.5 hectare site in Nula-Tula and 10 hectares of beach forest seedlings at a second site in New Kawayan. ONE and partners are currently examining opportunities for scaling up through a renewed grant cycle.
Mayor of Semarang co-signs support for Water as Leverage
march 13, 2019
At an International Seminar held in Semarang, Indonesia this month, we’re proud to announce that the mayor of Semarang – Hendrar Prihadi – has co-signed support for ONE Resilient Team’s proposals and the Water as Leverage process alongside Henk Ovink (Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Rob Swartbol (Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia). This is hopefully a key step in building a long-term relationship with the City on resilience projects in the coming years, as the Water as Leverage challenge enters its second phase.
The event was widely reported in the Indonesian media, including AyoSemarang, Kompas, Gesuri, Antara, and local newspapers Semarang Metro, Semarang Around, and Semarang Lima Blitz.
Matthijs Bouw and PennDesign launch new Certificate in Urban Resilience with two days of events
january 22, 2019
Kicking off two days of events at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, ONE Founding Principal Matthijs Bouw gathered experts for a day-long roundtable on collective climate education, the roadmap to implementation, the gap between equity and resilience, and more. Among panelists from a wide range of backgrounds, we were joined by Eric Klinenberg (NYU-IPK), Magdalena Ayed (Harborkeepers), Jesse Keenan (Harvard GSD), Allison Lassiter (PennPlanning), Marilyn Jordan Taylor (PennDesign), David Waggonner (Waggonner + Ball), Billy Fleming (McHarg Center), and many more.
The following day, ONE held a focus session with the new Water Center at Penn headed up by Howard Neukreg, discussing the firm’s current resilience project in Semarang, Indonesia as part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s (RVO) Water as Leverage challenge. Maddy Strohm penned a piece on both days in The Daily Pennsylvanian, and Katherine Unger Baillie covered it for PennToday.
Triboro Corridor honored in 2018 AIANY+ASLANY Transportation + Infrastructure Design Excellence Awards
october 8, 2018
The Triboro Corridor – a project completed by One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) and Only If – for the Regional Plan Association’s Fourth Regional Plan – received a Merit Award for AIANY and ASLANY’s 2018 Transportation + Infrastructure Design Excellence Awards. Pictured are Despo Thoma (ONE) and Karolina Czeczek (Only If -) at the awards ceremony hosted by the Center for Architecture in New York.
The project imagines an outer-borough transit system for New York connecting Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. The corridor doubles as an opportunity to integrate new blue-green infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle transit, and paired opportunities for economic development in the adjacent neighborhoods, providing multi-level amenities to three boroughs.
The official announcement is here.
ONE selected for ambitious redevelopment of Peddocks Island on Weston & Sampson team
august 20, 2018
We’re proud to share that a team including ONE, HR&A Advisors, Weston & Sampson, and Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture has been selected by Boston Harbor Now to lead an ambitious redevelopment of Peddocks Island, an historic island within Boston Harbor that has fallen into disuse.
The island, one of the largest and most diverse in the harbor, is currently home to century-old structures, many of which are now decommissioned — barracks and officers’ quarters, a gymnasium, bakery, stables, and a military chapel. An apple orchard, yurts available for rent and camping quarters.
The official announcement circulated in The Boston Globe on August 20, 2018.
Dutch government selects ONE Resilient Team for Water as Leverage challenge in Semarang, Indonesia
july 24, 2018
We’re proud to share that ONE Resilient Team has been selected by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( to develop innovative solutions to climate and water challenges in Semarang, Indonesia as part of the Dutch government’s Water as Leverage challenge. The ONE-led team is comprised of international and local experts representing a range of disciplines, gender, and youth, including Deltares, Wetlands International, Sherwood Design Engineers, Kota Kita, and many others.
Our proposal, Water(shed) as Leverage, tackled a nexus of risks in Semarang, a major port coping with the compound effects of rapid urban expansion, uncontrolled groundwater extraction, flooding, subsidence, landslides, and pollution. This September, ONE and partners will convene in Indonesia for the first round of workshops. We’re excited to explore opportunities for transformative and inclusive change in Semarang, building on a wealth of existing local efforts.
Read the official release.
ONE concludes pilot phase of GRP Water Window grant with workshops in Tacloban
july 13, 2018
Last week, ONE returned to Tacloban City, the Philippines, to close out the pilot project / seed grant phase of our Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) Water Window grant initiated in 2016. To date, 10,000 mangrove seedling have been planted at a pilot site in Nula-Tula, and 25,000 beach forest seedlings have been planted at a second site in New Kawayan. Having completed this phase, ONE joined partner organizations including the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) and Wetlands International as well as an array of government and municipal agencies and international conservation nonprofits.
During the workshops, ONE discussed next steps, including the development of a data-driven approach to site selection, the development of a regional hub and plant nursery at a former shrimp processing plant, and the development of a riverine restoration program.
Learn more here.
HUMANHATTAN 2050 debuts at 2018 Venice Biennale
may 25, 2018
For the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) collaborated on Bjarke Ingels Group’s (BIG) exhibit along with consultation from BuroHappold, Byron Stigge, AEA Consulting, and others.
The installation, comprised primarily of an expansive illuminated model and videos, revives our winning vision of The BIG U developed for the Rebuild By Design competition after Hurricane Sandy: a 10-mile protective system encircling Lower Manhattan incorporating flood-resilient infrastructure with improved park space. Two components of The BIG U are now moving forward: the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project and the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency (LMCR) Project. ONE is a leading design partner on both. In HUMANHATTAN 2050, the mid-century benchmark becomes a scale in which we imagine Lower Manhattan rethinking its relationship to the waterfront, adapting to climate change while building in vital social infrastructure.
To watch the installation, click here.
BIG + ONE + Sherwood present Islais Hyper-Creek at Resilient Bay Summit
may 17, 2018
At the Designing Our Future | Resilient Bay Summit on Thursday, May 17, the BIG + ONE + Sherwood team presented its designs and ideas for Islais Hyper-Creek, our vision for an historic watershed in Southeastern San Francisco restoring the area’s underlying ecology as part of a major new park.
Islais Hyper-Creek is a vision for the area where ecology and industry co-exist in harmony. A large park with a restored tidal creek system and soft shoreline shares the waterfront with maritime functions, light manufacturing, and logistics, which have all formed the area’s economic backbone for decades.
Six proposed pilot projects, developed together with stakeholders and local communities, will kickstart a long-term process toward realizing the overall vision.
Read more here.
ONE + The Mobile City release The Hackable City Cahiers
march 22, 2018
Compiled after five years of research, writing, prototyping and speculation, The Hackable City–a collaborative comprised of researchers from One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE), The Mobile City, and other affiliated institutions–has released a series of three cahiers (notebooks) exploring the social application of smart city technologies.
At a time when urban technologies have advanced at an unprecedented clip, The Hackable City Cahiers aim to nuance public discourse by advocating for the long-term, hyperlocal implementation of “smart city” systems. In this series of three notebooks, the researchers behind The Hackable City have focused on four cities to examine the successes and potential of these “hacker” techniques in urbanism.
Read more here. Read the cahiers here (#1), here (#2), and here (#3).
‘Data Mining the Urban Village’ premieres at UABB 2017
march 6, 2018
One Architecture partnered with Columbia GSAPP’s Studio X and the URBANUS curatorial team to create a signature installation for the 2017 Bi-City Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture (UABB) in Nantou Old Town, China. The exhibit, titled Data Mining the Urban Village, draws data from 17 years of public thinking on the concept of urban villages–formerly rural fishing and farming communities engulfed by rapid urbanization–of which Nantou itself is a prime example.
Students from a Columbia GSAPP summer workshop used data-scraping technologies to create a massive database of written material on urban villages from social media, journalistic, and academic sources from 2001–2017. It is on display through March 2018 in the main hall of the Biennale in Shenzhen, as part of the “Urban Village Archive”.
Read the full press release here and watch the installation video here.
Archinect Interview: Small Studio Snapshots
january 22, 2018
For this week’s Small Studio Snapshots, Archinect interviews Matthijs Bouw, founder and Principal of One Architecture and Urbanism, about opening up his New York office, after winning the Rebuild by Design competition in 2015, with the BIG U proposal our office co-led with BIG.
In the interview How One Architecture Remains Small While Working on Massive Urban Resiliency Projects Bouw discusses the difference between working in the Netherlands versus the United States, and the benefits of keeping a small team despite working on large-scale projects. In the last two years, the NYC office has grown to eight people with a satellite office in Boston. ONE is an international group of designers, architects, urban designers and planners with cross-disciplinary interests in ecology, equity, data and technologies.
Read more here.
Amsterdam International Water Week
november 1, 2017
NYC Associate Director, Mathew Staudt, will be presenting ONE’s work on The Big U/Dryline (ESCR/LMCR) at the Amsterdam International Water Week as a case study for A New Waterfront Infrastructure For a Resilient Urban Environment. The lecture will be held on November 1st, 2017 between 9 and 11:30 am.
5 Years ago, Hurricane Sandy was the worst ‘natural’ disaster ever to hit New York City and proof of a new reality defined by rising seas and stronger, more frequent extreme weather events. The Rebuild By Design competition winner, the ‘Big U / Dryline’ is an ambitious plan to protect much of Manhattan from future threats while reimagining the city’s relationship to its coastline. This presentation will introduce the Big U / Dryline concept, developments toward its implementation though the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project, and the designer’s role.
See the schedule here.
East Boston & Charlestown Report Out
october 31, 2017
The City of Boston has released “Coastal Resilience Solutions for East Boston and Charlestown”, the first district-wide strategy for two of Boston’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. The team, led by Kleinfelder and Stoss, with One Architecture and Woods Hole Group, establishes a strategy for integrating climate preparedness, flood protection, and public benefit.
The new report outlines near-term and long-term strategies to protect vulnerable neighborhoods from flooding as a result of climate change. “Climate change is here. It’s happening now. This year, we saw its effect in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and across our country and world. In Boston, we are seeing more frequent flooding on our waterfront, especially in East Boston and Charlestown,” said Mayor Walsh. “It’s more important than ever that we work together to make sure our city is ready for the changes ahead.”
Read the report here.
RBD San Francisco Bay Challenge
september 11, 2017
We are excited to be a part of the BIG + ONE + Sherwood design team for the Rebuild by Design San Francisco Bay Challenge. The Team is founded on a shared belief in the power of well-designed spaces that are connected to their contexts – ecologically, economically, and socially – and overall play a transformative role in the cities where they are located.
The BIG + ONE + Sherwood Team is co-led by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), One Architecture + Urbanism (ONE), and Sherwood Design Engineers (Sherwood). The team also includes experts from Moffat & Nichol, Nelson Nygaard, Strategic Economics, and The Dutra Group. The Team brings together significant international experience in Denmark, the Netherlands, and the Bay Area with a variety of experience in designing spaces that are vulnerable to climate events by understanding a region’s economic, political and social environment.
Read more here.
LA+ RISK Journal
september 1, 2017
LA+ RISK Journal is released, featuring an interview with Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture) on the topic of Risk and Resilience. LA+ RISK invited contributors to consider the relationship between design and the evolving landscape of risk; to explore the ways in which risk shapes our behavior and impacts our experiences of designed environments.
RISK is many things. It can invoke fun, temptation, or danger; it can be laced with uncertainty, fear, or hope. But most importantly for the design professions, risk is the engine of art and innovation. Complicating the risks inherent in every act of environmental design are two now dominant threats to humanity: climate change and social inequality, both of which are expected to make Earth a more volatile, dystopian planet. Risk reduction—under the rubric of resilience—is the new paradigm for landscape architecture and urbanism.
Read more here.
4th Regional Plan: The Triborro Corridor
august 8, 2017
The Triboro Corridor plan is the result of the winning proposal for the Regional Plan Association’s Design Initiative for the Fourth Regional Plan. The initiative 4C: Four Corridors: Foreseeing the Region of the Future is being exhibited at The Chapel at Fort Tilden in the Rockaways from August 5 through September 17, Friday – Sunday, 11 AM – 6 PM.
Only If and ONE propose a dual-purposing of the system of freight lines linking Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx for passenger rail as a game changer for the outer boroughs. The firms worked together to re-conceptualize the existing right-of-way and adjacent spaces to create a linear park and greenway along the proposed line to improve community health, a bike “superhighway” for commuter and recreational use, mixed-use models for skills development and job generation, and storm water management through a reduction in road widths and parking made possible by new developments in mobility.
Neprom award nomination
april 19, 2017
The cooperative urban development Beleef Buiksloterham (‘Experience Buiksloterham’) is one of five nominees for the prestigious bi-annual Neprom award for leading examples of urban development in cooperation between commercial developers and governments in the Netherlands. One Architecture is one of the architect-developers that form the cooperative, as well as the initiator of the Hackable City research project focusing on the Buiksloterham brownfield redevelopment area. Beleef Buiksloterham is a typical example of hackable city making.
The cooperative development has resulted into 8 projects with a total of 280 apartments and various commercial activities, totaling 30000m2 floor area. The development has successfully turned the barren land into one of the most popular areas in the city, with national and international attention to the new standards that have been set regarding both sustainable urban development and new cooperative development methods.
februari 17, 2017
Matthijs Bouw’s reflection ‘Baukasten’ on the future spatial development in Germany was recently published in ‘Speculations Transformations’. The book, edited by Raumtaktik’s Matthias Böttger, Stefan Carsten and Ludwig Engel, is the result of the Baukulturatlas 2030/2050 research project and maps the relation between changing social conditions and the built environment in future scenarios.
Meanwhile, One Architecture was present in Germany, as part of the water delegation of the Netherlands Economic Mission to Eastern Germany and parallel to the visit of the Dutch Royal couple to Eastern Germany. Like the Netherlands (and New York), Germany is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of resilient urban environments and community engagement in the planning process.
Lower Manhattan Coastal Resilience
december 12, 2016
The Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency (ORR) and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) have retained AECOM, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and One Architecture to work on the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency (LMCR) Project. LMCR is a 5 km long integrated coastal protection initiative aimed at reducing flood risk due to coastal storms and sea level rise in Lower Manhattan. Spanning the Lower Manhattan coast from Montgomery Street through the northern end of Battery Park City, LMCR seeks to improve access to the waterfront and enhance public spaces in the community. One Architecture and BIG, supported by engineering office Arcadis, are in addition currently working on the City of New York’s East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project, a similar coastal resiliency project adjacent to the LMCR Project area. The ESCR Project runs along Manhattan’s East River waterfront.
Joost Meuwissen
september 8, 2016
We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of Joost Meuwissen, co-founder and former partner in One Architecture. Joost will be remembered as a true inspiration for all our work. His writings and sketches, as well as our many conversations, helped One navigate the question of how to bring architecture “as an old science” to engage the complexities of contemporary society. Joost was a unique and explosive thinker, who will be greatly missed by the entire discipline.
Mini-Symposium at IABR
june 24, 2016
With the IABR as the backdrop, the Hackable City will conclude its international comparative research project on new modes of collaborative citymaking – with organizations from São Paulo, Athens, and Shenzhen and Buiksloterham. Part public mini-symposium, part workshop with experts, this exchange aims to consolidate our common understanding of collaborative city-making: How can we involve existing stakeholders in city development? Does co-creation lead to a feeling of ownership and more involvement? How can these developments be perpetuated to create resilient cities in the future?
>> More information
Please RSVP to
Sustainable Urban Deltas
may 9, 2016
The platform of IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY presents the international conference SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS that is organized as part of the official program of the Delta Coalition, a new alliance of 12 countries that, despite all of the existing international consultative structures and conventions, have come together over a shared agenda they want to implement.
The Netherlands currently chairs the Delta Coalition. Its first official high (administrative) level meeting will be held in Rotterdam on 10 May. That is why on 9 May, the national government and IABR bring government officials and professionals from around the world together for SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS. How can we make the urban deltas of tomorrow more inclusive, sustainable, productive, and livable? How can we make our delta cities physically and socially resilient for all citizens?
With keynotes from a.o. Adriaan Geuze (Director West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, and curator of the 2nd IABR, The Flood), Maarten Hajer (chief curator IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY) and Edgar Pieterse (director African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town).
Master of Ceremonies is Henk Ovink (Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs).
There are four parallel breakout sessions in the afternoon. Risk & Resilience, by Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture), The Urban Metabolisme, by Eric Frijters (.FABRIC), Blue Space: Mobilizing Territories and Coalitions, by Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels) en Balancing Economic, Ecological and Social Agendas, by Florian Boer (De Urbanisten) and Tim Peeters (ZUS).
Click here for the program
Economic Resilience in Buiksloterham
april 19, 2016
Thursday, April 21, Matthijs Bouw will speak about Buiksloterham and The Hackable City research at the Design & The City conference. Design & The City explores citizen-centered design approaches for the smart city. Central theme is the role of design(ers) to create opportunities and practices for citizens, (social) entrepreneurs and policy makers towards more liveable, sustainable and sociable urban futures.
All keynote speakers were asked to share their views on designing smart cities for citizens in a series of essays. Matthijs’ essay ‘Economic Resilience in Buiksloterham’ can be found here.
Additionally, IABR 2016 – The Next Economy has its opening weekend the 23-24th of April. Broadcasting the installation Hackable Cityplot. Watch the Hackable Cityplot installation coming to life! Studio KU+ made a great time lapse film.
Gouda Oost from essay to realization
april 14, 2016
On the 14th of april 2016 an event for Gouda Oost was held in the Nelson Mandela Centrum to communicate the latest updates on the urban renewal plans. One Architecture is the urban planner and supervisor for Gouda Oost.
In the ‘essay’ of 2009 One Architecture made a visualization of the future of the district of Gouda Oost. The essay was made based on the so-called KEI-Stadslab, interviews and workshops with residents and social en spatial analysis. It described the motivation behind the urban renewal, proposes interventions for, and provides tools to realize these interventions. Based on this essay the Municipality of Gouda signed an agreement with Woonpartners Midden-Holland for the renewal of the district.
Gouda Oost will be renovated island by island. The size of the islands is determined by the new, more transparent parcels and the possibility to build a communal element within an island, such as a playground or garden. First an urban analysis and design was made for Zuidelijk Stempel West, where the long characteristic green axis were emphasized. Soon after, a plan was made for the island Middengebied and then also for Van Heuven Goedhartsingel and Oostvogel. All plans are following the key-concepts from the initial essay.
At the end of 2015 the first pole was placed for Zuidelijk Stempel West and in 2016 the first houses and the new supermarkets will be completed.
Click here to see a video of the Gouda Oost plans.
IABR 2016 – The Next Economy
march 15, 2016
The International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam 2016 examines -THE NEXT ECONOMY – the relationship between spatial design and economic development. Within the event that takes place from April 23rd to July 10th 2016, The Hackable City, Cityplot and Stadslab BSH will present their work in Buiksloterham.
In an installation the overall story is told and the research, processes and projects visualised. These experiments, the result of the collision of the chaotic world of the bottom-up with a top-down urban planning, where cooperative co-design processes run in parallel with traditional urban development, are now threatened again. The end of the real estate crisis (and the lack of recognition of the other crises) introduces the risk that the government and the traditional real estate sector will manifest themselves more strongly in the area and will return to the old models taking advantage of the cool atmosphere in BSH and the demand for housing in Amsterdam. The installation sets the agenda for creating an open city.
The Hackable City going international
march 15, 2016
In the coming months The Hackable City will visit Sao Paulo, Athens and Shenzhen to execute a comparative research of hackable projects in cities that are each in a phase of development that is similar to what kicked-off BSH: they are in a phase of economic downturn or, more specifically, face a crisis in real-estate development. Together with our local partners Andréa Sender from Acupuntura Urbana, Dimitris Charitos and Iouliani Theona from the UoA NTLab and Tat Lam from Shanzhai City we developed a program of exemplary cases and workshops to investigate hackability, local governance structures and solutions in these cities.
At the end of June an international knowledge exchange and mini-symposium will be held at the IABR where, based on our learnings abroad, we will discuss how to consolidate the common understanding and joint tools for collaborative city-making: How can we perpetuate such development to deal with systemic risk and create resilient cities in the future?
Publication Launch “The Hackable City: A Research Manifesto and Design Toolkit”
march 14, 2016
Monday March 14 The Hackable City will present their publication ‘The Hackable City: A Research Manifesto and Design Toolkit’ at Pakhuis de Zwijger during the event ‘New Democracy #3: The Cultural Commons’. Michiel de Lange will be one of the speakers and share The Hackable City’s view on the societal transition towards a cultural commons caused by digital (media) technologies.
Resilience by Design University
february 19, 2016
Led by Matthijs Bouw, Rockefeller Urban Resilience Fellow for PennDesign, this two-day symposium and workshop offers an introduction to the fundamentals of resilience from experts in the field. Starting from how to incorporate concepts and tools for resilience into design, the program turns to case studies in partnership with 100 Resilient Cities to apply this knowledge in an interactive format with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the role design can play in urban resilience.
The development of this course is an iterative process. The curriculum is currently designed to bring together a diverse set of interests; it is structured to help students understand the complex environment in which design can and should play a role in resilience. Content is being tested and developed through events, workshops, and roundtables, and in collaboration with ongoing educational activities.
Presented by PennDesign; Rebuild by Design; the NYU Institute for Public Knowledge; and the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation; in partnership with: 100 Resilient Cities, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, The New School, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Yale University.
New publication “The Hackable City: A Research Manifesto and Design Toolkit”
february 1, 2016
In a hackable city, new media technologies are employed to open up urban institutions and infrastructures to systemic change in the public interest. It combines top-down smart-city technologies with bottom-up ‘smart citizen’ initiatives. The Hackable City is a research project on the role of digital media in the process of citymaking that resulted from cooperation between One Architecture and The Mobile City Foundation. The project investigates the opportunities of digital media technologies for the empowerment of citizens and other stakeholders in a democratic process of citymaking. This book aims to offer a closer look at the implications of ‘hackable city making’ in the form of a Hackable City Research Manifesto and a ‘hackable city toolkit’. This toolkit could give designers, policy makers and citizens a number of ideas to approach projects that they might be working on, providing also a number of strategies to include in their projects.
By: Cristina Ampatzidou, Matthijs Bouw, Froukje van de Klundert, Michiel de Lange, Martijn de Waal
Elisabeth van Thüringen project prize for Jozef health center
november 23, 2015
One Architecture, Berend Strik and Deventer Ziekenhuis have been awarded the Elisabeth van Thüringen project prize 2015 for their shared effort resulting in the Jozef community health center in Deventer NL. The Elisabeth van Thüringen prize is a new triënnal award for art projects in health care environments, to inspire and encourage the use of art for the well being of patients, visitors and employees. The Jozef health center was selected as en excellent example for integration of art and architecture as one ‘gesamkunstwerk’. The Jozef shared the podium with two other beautiful projects: Binnenzee, Spaarnepoort and Het Vijfde Seizoen, Altrecht. More information (in Dutch) about the awards and the jury reports at See this short video about the project by Josjah Kunkeler.
A Mies for All exhibition finissage and debate
september 2, 2015
On the 2nd of September 2015, Hôtel Droog hosts an exhibition finissage and debate on “architecture anyone can do”, where guests will discuss copying, technology, open source and the future of architecture. The debate brings together French artist Pierre Bismuth who won an Academy Award for developing the story for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Anne Filson of Filson and Rohrbacher – an architecture and design firm that explores new fabrication techniques and the resultant economies; Matthijs Bouw – founding principal of One Architecture; chairman of Lightness Studios Ed van Hinte; NRC journalist Bernard Hulsman and more.
The debate orbits the concept behind A Mies for All – an initiative that aims to give to everyone the possibility to live in an iconic architecture – starting with Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House. A Mies for All touches on a century-old promise that forms the foundation of modern architecture – the democratization of quality architecture, comfortable living, and advanced achievement in art, culture and technology. The Mies for All superstructure can be fabricated locally, anywhere in the world and requires limited expertise to construct.
A Mies for All is a project based on a concept by Pierre Bismuth and Matthijs Bouw, developed by One Architecture and Filson and Rohrbacher.
The event will take place at Hôtel Droog, in Amsterdam. Wednesday, September 2 2015, 8pm. More information
Albertkanaal Antwerpen
juli 8, 2015
A team led by Posad and complemented with Arcadis and One Architecture Amsterdam will execute a concept study sustainable redevelopment of the business district Albert Canal in the city of Antwerp. In the coming year the team will focuses on creating a sustainable future for the business district on both sides of the Albert Canal.
Beerpavilion in NRC Handelsblad
juni 8, 2015
One had a blast from the past when the Beerpavilion was mentioned in Raymond van den Boogaards column in NRC Handelsblad. As van den Boogaard describes the design by One Architecture and Berend Strik made the recycling process of beer to urine and back to beer visible within the transparent walls of the pavilion. A hommage to Marcel Duchamp.
Design/Fabrication Symposium, San Francisco
may 12-14, 2015
One Architecture is collaborating with Filson Rorhbacher and the Waag Society to conceptualize a future Design/Fabrication Laboratory in Amsterdam. We’ll be joined by Testa & Weiser Inc, Jelle Feringa, DUS Architects, and many fabrication industry leaders, to develop a blueprint for a D/F Lab that will advance Amsterdam’s architecture, construction and development-ecology. Make has invited our team to occupy the Maker Media Lab in San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts during Maker Week. From May 12-14, we’ll conduct a hands-on workshop to conceptualize a laboratory dedicated to applied research and education that advances the AEC industry, and serves as a model for Maker Cities everywhere. Visit the Maker Media Lab during MakerCon, and join us at 2:00 May 14, when we share the Design/Fabrication Lab blueprint.
1-Lectures: Manhattan Case Studies
march 19, 2015
Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture) will talk about the resiliency-projects he is currently involved with in the Unites States – foremost amongst them the ‘Big U/Dryline’ for the flood-protection of Manhattan. He interweaves this story with a narrative on the parallel transformations towards a more resilient office that his firm One Architecture is undergoing.
Thursday March 19, 20h00, at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, Waterlooplein 213 in Amsterdam.
Tickets cost €5 and can be purchased at the door from 7.30 pm.
More Information
Exhibition and conference Rebuild by Design
december 11, 2014
The BNA (Association for Dutch Architects) organizes the conference ‘Designing the Delta’ on the role of architecture and urban planning and opportunities for architects within the Delta Programme. Matthijs Bouw, co-lead of ‘BIG U/Dryline’, will be one of the speakers.
In december and January Architekturforum Aedes will also hightlight the Rebuild by Design projects in an exhibition and symposium ‘After Hurricane Sandy’ in their gallery in Berlin. During the symposium Matthijs Bouw will be part of Panel 1: Strategies of Resilience – Players and Processes.
BNA Conference: Thursday, 11 December 2014, 1:30-7 pm. More information
Aedes Symposium: Saturday, 6 December 2014, 10 am. Exhibition: 6 December 2014 – 22 January 2015. More information
Konzeption Baukulturatlas Deutschland 2030/2050
october 24, 2014
Under the guiding question, “How is building culture developed in Germany in the long term?” One Architecture, in collaboration with Raumtaktik, formulated an experimental research and workshop format: “Konzeption Baukulturatlas Deutschland 2030/2050, Scenarios and paradigms for a living environment in Germany” on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) – previously the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) to carry out the goal of a future-oriented, interdisciplinary interpretation of the human shaped territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Two prizes for the BIG U/Dryline
october 17, 2014
One Architecture and BIG’s proposal ‘The Big U/Dryline’, to protect Manhattan against flood, has won two prizes last month: The William H. Whyte Award for creativity and ingenuity in planning, APA, New York 2014 and The Silver Holcim Award 2014 for North America.
The jury of the Holcim Award acknowledged the project’s sensitive blend of hard infrastructure and local community needs and awarded The Big U/Dryline with the 50,000 dollar prize.
From the 15 regional Holcim Awards Gold, Silver and Bronze recipients the Global Holcim Awards winners are selected. These awards will be announced in May 2015.
Smart Cities: What if?
september 10, 2014
Commisioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment One Architecture examined the significance and policies of Smart Cities using different ‘what if scenarios’. The process leaded to conclusions and questions at 3 levels: what are the essential changes, what does this mean for city or area, and what questions does this raise for governance? The visualisation of these scenario’s were also part of minister Schultz van Haegen’s speech during the ‘Night of the Environment‘ organized by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
Smart Cities-thinking and digital technology affects every aspect of life, cities, planning and governance. Instead of a his own policy, Smart Cities-policies can be used as a mechanism to adjust and optimize others policies, such as clean air, livable cities and water management.
Matthijs Bouw on the Aesthetics of Resilience
september 8, 2014
In September Matthijs Bouw will discuss One’s winning proposal ‘The Big U/Dryline‘ for the Rebuild by Design contest:
The Third Water Republic 2025 in Pakhuis de Zwijger will focus on the resilient city. Keynote speaker Henk Ovink highlights his role in the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Taskforce and the design competition Rebuild by Design. After, the three winning designs where Dutch offices were involved, will discuss their designs.
On September 11, Matthijs Bouw gives a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design about the office and the winning proposal for Manhattan’s flood protection.
Link to video report of The Aesthetics of Resilience at University of Pennsylvania
The BIG U/Dryline wins Rebuild by Design
june 2, 2014
One Architecture and BIG’s proposal ‘The Big U/Dryline’, to protect Manhattan against flood, has won The Rebuild by Design competition. The Big U/Dryline shows that the protection of low-lying parts of Manhattan can be designed in such a way that new opportunities for waterfront and the neighborhoods behind it arise. By reviewing the 10-mile coastline between West 57th via The Battery back to East 42nd Street as a series of compartments, the solutions can be profoundly local. In an intensive design process with community organizations three of the compartments were further elaborated with each a unique solution.
Item on RTL News, including interview with Matthijs Bouw en Edgar Westerhof (Arcadis)
Article in De Volkskrant
Article in Het Financieele Dagblad
Living in Elta
june 2, 2014
One Architecture took the initiative for a new housing/working building in Buiksloterham in Amsterdam North: ELTA.
ELTA is part of a series of projects that will form a new housing district just five minutes from Amsterdam Central Station. The design is ready and will be published on the website. The 17 town houses in the building are adaptable to everybody’s requirements. There are still several homes available for enlisting.
Delivery is scheduled in the spring of 2016.
Infrastructure Things
may 23, 2014
The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, in collaboration with the TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, will host a capita selecta lecture series and symposium entitled Infrastructure Things. The Symposium proposes a spectrum to discuss infrastructure, focusing on the very “thingness” of infrastructure and attempting to lay the groundwork for its inclusion as a relevant design inquiry.
On May 23rd Matthijs Bouw will discuss the Amstellaan and other One Architecture infrastructure projects during the second part of the symposium titles ‘Grounding Infrastructure: Landscapes in Transit’.
Expert meeting Re-engineering the architect
may 8, 2014
The BNA (the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects) is organizing an expert meeting ‘Re-engineering the architect: the architect as strategic advisor’ which is part of a series about the new services architect offer. The changing market requires the industry to rethink the classical architect services. Can architects also develop, give (strategic) advise or build themselves?
Amongst other presentations Matthijs Bouw will speak about Tender Design which advises clients in asking the right question in the tender documents. Leading to better answers and quicker processes. See the short film.
The meeting will take place at Architectuurcentrum Aorta, in Utrecht. May 8, 15.00-18.00 uur
Water in Dwarka, Delhi 2050
april 25-29, 2014
During this step of DELHi 2050, the team, along with its various knowledge partners, researched ways to tackle the water crisis in Dwarka. Joined by Dutch partners Matthijs Bouw and Rianne Makkink, they will present the work and implementations of these designs to the DDA and interested societies. On a smaller scale, to ensure that the younger generation will be water sensitive, the “Water Game” will also be launched.
A Mies for All
april 7, 2014
Matthijs Bouw’s position paper on digital technology and its opportunity to shift roles within architecture is published in the dutch magazine ‘De Architect’. Bouw relates about an ecology of cooperating companies who research how architects, using digital technology, can democratize the building chain.
The text and its thinking is created together with Filson and Rorhbacher.
Deventer’s New York City launch
march 25, 2014
On the occasion of Deventer’s New York City launch the Syracuse University School of Architecture invites you to ‘Architecture & Narrative’ at the Fisher Center. Matthew Stadler (by skype), Matthijs Bouw and Jimenez Lai (author of Citizens of no place : an architectural graphic novel) will present their work and will discuss how “the ways we write about architecture permanently shape and change what architects do.” Dean Michael Speaks will moderate the discussion.
Building Climate Resilient Communities
march 20, 2014
Matthijs Bouw, co-lead of the BIG Team, will speak at the closing session of the RDM Campus Brooklyn Rotterdam Waterfront Exchange Project. During this day which highlights the end of the visit of Pratt Institute he will relate about Rebuild by Design (the HUD Design competition) and share some preliminary experiences with the BIG-U, a community driven flood protection for Manhattan.
Opening Amstellaan
march 5, 2014
Three years after the first sketches, schoolkids in Deventer finally walked safely under the Amstellaan viaduct to mark the opening of One’s project (albeit a bit early illustrating the upcoming elections; not all is finished). The project (two viaducts, a park and public spaces) connects the two sides of the Rivierenwijk and forms the critical element of a large scale urban transformation. After alderman Jos Pierey’s speech, alderman Marco Swart launched the construction of the adjacent Child Centre.
Nieuw Kapitaal
december 10, 2013
The article ‘The Hackable Metropolis’, One Architecture wrote together with The Mobile City, is published in the Ruimtevolk 2013 book ‘Nieuw Kapitaal’.
The text is a shortened version of our essay and discusses how a professional social city creates a smart city that is based on the intelligence of the commons.
The Big U
november 15, 2013
One Architecture is working to protect Manhattan against floods.
Team BIG, which includes the Amsterdam firm One Architecture, is selected for the 3rd phase of Rebuild by Design, the design competition for the rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy, to continue working on its proposal ‘The Big U‘.
‘The Big U’ proposes to protect the eight miles between West 54th Street and from the tip back to East 42nd Street Manhattan, with a system of various interconnected design solutions. The disparate solutions are tailored to the local environment each with its own program and function for the neighborhood. Sometimes as park, sometimes as public art, sometimes livable dike, and sometimes as a stand. This way, the barrage will become more than only hard infrastructure: it is also a social infrastructure.
A Mies for All seminar
november 11, 2013
Seminar Dragon’s Den: New technologies, new business models for architects’ at The New Institute, Rotterdam, November 11th, 7.30-9.30 p.m.
Digital technology not only has a great impact on the production of architecture. Digital technology changes the position of the architect in the real-estate value chain. Within the framework of A Mies for All, a seminar at Het Nieuwe Instituut explored the new business models for architects that come from these changes. A panel of Dragons (entrepreneurs, investors and business consultants) commented on the feasibility of the following business cases.
The evening is captured on video
A review of the evening published in De Architect (NL)
Book launch Deventer
november 17, 2013
NAi/010 Publishing, The New Institute, and the Bored to Death Book Club invite you to a free public launch for ‘Deventer’, the new book by American novelist, Matthew Stadler —featuring plenty of books, kopstootjes, and conversation— at The New Institute, Sunday, 17 November 2013, 15:00.
Deventer (NAi/010 Uitgeverij) narrates the messy, compromised, human reality of architecture and planning through the checkered story of Matthijs Bouw and One Architecture’s attempt to make a better future for an obsolete building that had been slated for demolition. Written by the American novelist, Matthew Stadler, it tells the true story of a cross-disciplinary team of planners, financiers, artists, and politicians —led by an architect— trying to rescue a beautiful but obsolete Catholic hospital in Deventer (St. Jozef Health Center), rather than sacrificing it to the calculations of the real estate market.
Execution Amstellaan live
july 17, 2013
The execution of the Amstellaan is broadcasted live via the webcam. In one weekend at the end of June 180 people worked 24 hours a day to create the new intersection of the Amstellaan with the Snippelingsdijk, building also the neighbourhood connections that are an important feature of the design.
Start Gouda East, Southern Stamp West
july 17, 2013
Last week the municipality of Gouda and ‘Woonpartners Midden Holland’ have signed a sale and construction agreement for the development of the ‘Zuidelijk Stempel West’. This means that the plans for this area in Gouda East can really start. The press release is available on the website of ‘De Weekkrant’.
New Office
june 20, 2013
One Architecture has moved its office to a new location. From now on we are in a building with our friends from SeARCH.
One Architecture
Hamerstraat 3
1021 JT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
PO Box 15816
1001 NH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 20 470 0040
Interview De Architect
may 1, 2013
De Architect has recently conducted an interview with Matthijs Bouw. The interview discusses the changing role and position of the architect on the basis of One’s projects for the Rivierenwijk in Deventer, Gouda Oost, and Tender Design.
The interview can be read in the April 2013 issue and online.
National Congress Open Data The Netherlands
april 5, 2013
On Friday, April 5th 2013 (9-18) the Town Hall in Eindhoven is the stage of the National Congress Open Data.
The motto of the day is Connecting and Sharing in which Platform Open Data Eindhoven addresses the practical application of Open Data. In addition to a number of interesting keynotes there is a varied parallel program with interactive sessions and workshops. Case studies, visual and digital presentations provide directly applicable knowledge, inspiration, dialogue and understanding of the parties playing in the field.
Matthijs Bouw and Froukje Klundert will host a workshop on the Hackable Metropolis.
The City as Interface
april 2, 2013
On April 2, 2013 “The city as interface” will be published. The book written by Martijn de Waal discusses the role of digital media in everyday urban life and the significance of the rise of “urban media” for urban design.
At the City as Interface website backgrounds to the book can be found: reviews, background articles and a series of examples.
At the book launch at 20.00 in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture) and Dick van Dijk (Waag Society) among others, will explain how the theme of this book is relevant to their practice.
Martijn de Waal has contributed to our project “Eindhoven Hackable Metropolis”.
Dutch Water Design
march 1, 2013
Together with four other offices, (NL architects, Posad,BIG and Lola) One Architecture has formed the consortium Dutch Water Design (with obviously a New York-Danish touch). DWD will combine the know-how and expertise of these companies about the challenges and opportunities that designing in water environments bring. DWD will join minister Schultz van Haegen (infrastructure & environment) on her water mission to New York from March 4th – 6th to see how the Netherlands and the U.S. can enhance their cooperation in water control.
Paradigm Social Innovation
february 14, 2013
The 14th of February a forum discussion and exhibition on Social Innovation will take place in the Library Eindhoven. This event is part of the knowledge workshop Paradigm organized by MAD emergent art center.
One Architecture’s Froukje of Klundert will participate in this discussion together with Hans-Martin Don (Director Salvation Army), Luk Sponselee (Eindhoven culture creator) and Cindy Rath (co-initiator Theetuin Tivoli / Cultural Center the Ark). The discussion about projects and developments in social innovation will be moderated by Nicole de Boer.
The participation in this evening is connected to the project Eindhoven Hackable Metropolis which One Architecture and The Mobile City presented during the workweek Metropolis NL organized by the Deltametropool Association.
Public Real Estate
february 13, 2013
The Jozef Health Center is one of the 16 case studies in Marc van Leent’s book ‘Publiek Vastgoed’ (Public Real Estate). The book describes the transformation of this former hospital monastery into a community health center, such that it is strongly embedded into the current and future neighbourhood, both socially and physically. The project proved to be the generator of the transformation of other parts of the listed building complex on the site. For Carinova, One Architecture’s elderly people home is now being tendered. Once construction starts, One will commence the architectural development of its approved urban plan for approximately 150 residential units (partly tailored to empty nesters).
For more information on the book, follow this link.
Work in progress
february 6, 2013
In the autumn of 2012 work has started on the Amstellaan traffic artery, as the center point of the restructuring of the Deventer Rivierenwijk. The park viaduct designed by One Architecture is now under construction. Later this year another viaduct, a bicycle tunnel and a landscape design that will embed the artery in the neighbourhood will follow.
With the demolition of some apartment buildings in the autumn of 2012 work on the restructuring of Gouda Oost has also started. After a period of pre-consolidation of the soil, realisation of the new development will take off as soon as possible.
A bit earlier, in 2011, preparatory demolition work for the Jozef nursery home in Deventer has taken place. Some non-monumental extensions of the monumental former hospital complex have been removed.

One Architecture & Urbanism’s team and the tools used are specifically fit for the various disciplines that the office deals with. Our flexibility is suitable for a variation of scales, ranging from interior design to national planning, times, from the temporary to long-term visions, and expertise, from our core team to collaborations with other offices and advisors.
Along with the articles written by others about our work, Matthijs Bouw regularly publishes articles on One Architecture’s practice and ideas. In the list below you will find a number of downloadable articles by Matthijs Bouw, some of which are written together with former partners of the office or with others.

Deventer (NAi/010 Uitgeverij) narrates the messy, compromised, human reality of architecture and planning through the checkered story of Matthijs Bouw and One Architecture’s attempt to make a better future for an obsolete building that had been slated for demolition. Written by the American novelist, Matthew Stadler, it tells the true story of a cross-disciplinary team of planners, financiers, artists, and politicians —led by an architect— trying to rescue a beautiful but obsolete Catholic hospital in Deventer (St. Jozef Health Center), rather than sacrificing it to the calculations of the real estate market.
Drawing upon lessons learned from a decade of Building with Nature (BwN) across Europe and SouthEast Asia, EcoShape selected ONE to co-develop a research publication, Building with Nature: Creating, implementing, and upscaling Nature-based Solutions (NAi/010 Uitgeverij).
As a research compendium and call to action, this publication aims to capture and process knowledge of the different Building with Nature programs to communicate with a diverse audience, including decision-makers, professionals, scientists, and other interested groups.
Read more about the Building with Nature research here.
ONE and Only If co-developed a design proposal Triboro Corridor in 2017 as part of Four Corridors, a component of Regional Plan Association (RPA)’s Fourth Regional Plan (2017) and a special initiative launched by RPA to explore the future of four specific corridors in the New York metropolitan region.
The resulting publication, Four Corridors: Design Initiative for RPA’s Fourth Regional Plan(Hatze Cantz), examines the evolving role of design in the first three plans and presents the Fourth Regional Plan’s design initiatives in depth.
ONE’s Matthijs Bouw co-contributed with Marijn de Waal and Michiel de Lange for a chapter on Hackable City in the new publication: The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities (Routledge).
Edited by Alessandro Aurigi and Katharine S. Willis, this book provides a critical and cross-disciplinary overview of the emerging topic of smart cities and explores it from a range of theoretical and empirical viewpoints.
Named a best book of 2019 by the American Society of Landscape Architect’s The Dirt, Design with Nature Now (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy) celebrates the 50th anniversary of Ian McHarg’s seminal book Design with Nature (1969), which set forth a new vision for regional planning using natural systems.
A team of landscape architects and planners from the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design have showcased some of the most advanced ecological design projects in the world today, including ONE’s The Big U.

One Architecture (ONE)
Johan van Hasseltkade 306
1031 LP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
PO Box 15816
1001 NH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 20 470 0040
Please send applications for
employment or internship to:
One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE)*
comprised of
One Urbanism, Inc.
Office for the Next Environment Architecture DPC **
35 East Broadway, 5th Fl.
New York, NY 10002
United States of America
+1 917 261 5809
Please send applications for
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* One Urbanism does not render architecture services in the State of New York.
** ONE’s New York based Design Professional Corporation is a New York State Certified SDVOB, and is now licensed to practice architecture in the states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Florida.
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One Architecture (Amsterdam) and One Architecture & Urbanism (New York) take the protection of our and your data seriously. For our privacy and data compliance statement in both Dutch and English, click here.